Support us
How to support the Compignano Foundation
Supporting the foundation is easy, just make a donation by bank transfer.
Bank details
Banca Prossima s.p.a. – Filiale di F.T. Umbria e Toscana
Via XX Settembre, 70/A – 06121 Perugia
IBAN IT21Y0335901600100000151284
Tax deductions
Donations made to the Compignano Foundation can be deducted: it is enough to have made the donation using one of the permitted payment options (bank transfer) and inserting the amount in the specified space on your tax return, or you can give a copy of the donation to your accountant.
Deduction for natural persons
Giving freely, on the part of a natural person, to the Compignano Foundation, which is a legal entity dedicated exclusively to the safeguarding, promotion and appreciation of historic, artistic and environmental heritage, can be written off within the limit of 10% of your declared income and in any case within the maximum amount of 70,000.00 Euro annually (more specifically, the free donation can be written off to the lesser of the two limits). Art.14 D.L. 35/2005 converted into Law n.80/2005.
Deduction for juridical persons
Giving freely, on the part of a natural person who is the owner of a business or is a juridical person, to the Compignano Foundation, which is a legal entity dedicated exclusively to the safeguarding, promotion and appreciation of historic, artistic and environmental heritage, can be written off for the entire amount given, in accordance with the fiscal law, specifically art.1, paragraph 353 of the law dated 23 December 2005, number 266” (and the following decrees carried out).