
Augusto Coli
Born in Compignano in 1942 to a farming family, in 1954 he began working as an apprentice at Umbra, a dental materials company in Perugia. In 1964 he was transferred to Forlì, and in 1966 he married Mariolina Versari and then in 1981 founded Dental Trey, a commercial business that distributes dental products and equipment. This company was immediately successful due to its penchant for innovation and collaboration with the world of orthodontics, and in the following years it yielded important results and became an authentic reference model for the entire sector.
Mariolina Versari
Born in Forlì in 1944, Mariolina Versari worked alongside Augusto Coli in the managing of Dental Trey, taking care of the organization, the company communications, reception, relations with doctors, training courses, conferences and conventions. In over thirty years of work, she gave Dental Trey a unique style, characterized by an extreme attention to detail for every aspect of company life, and by a particular focus on the wellbeing of its people.

Michele Titoli
Born in Perugia in 1965, he has been a lawyer with his own practice in Perugia for more than 20 years. He has always participated in the various initiatives supporting the town of Compignano, and he has worked in particular on the collection and diffusion of historic sources regarding the town, collaborating on behalf of the cultural association Campo di Giano with Dr. Claudio Mariotti and Dr. Lucia Barberini on the editing of publications handed out in the community during events, on organizing conventions, and on the job of conserving and raising awareness of the documents present in the church archives, with the setting up of a permanent exhibition at the Compagnia della Morte Chruch in Compignano.
Carlo Cerati
Born in Marsciano in 1959, Carlo Cerati is an electrical engineering technician and works as a supervisor at the Thermoelectric Plant of Pietrafitta. With a diploma in Theology, he assists the priest of Compignano in the liturgical and pastoral activity, as requested by the Bishop of Perugia, and he represents the Church within the directorial council of the Foundation. He is a part of the local division of Anspi.

Luigi Tenace
General secretary
Luigi Tenace moved from Puglia to Umbria in 1969, and has lived in Compignano since 1980. Now he is retired, but after high school he always worked in agricultural cooperatives, not just regional ones, with mostly commercial jobs in the sector of industrial break making. Upon his arrival, he immediately began participating in the political, cultural and social life of the town. Currently, he is the councilor and treasurer of the Philharmonic Society.
The administration council is accompanied by a spiritual assistant, as stipulated in its statute (art.14.1), whose job it is to formulate proposals on the scheduling of activities to promote and raise awareness of the initiatives of the local Christian community. This role is currently covered by Don Mario Bini, priest of the Church of Santa Maria in Cerqueto.